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We met with Assist. Prof. Meltem Özel from the School of Communication, Department of New Media and Communication.

We met with Assist. Prof. Meltem Özel from the School of Communication, Department of New Media and Communication.
As the Artificial Intelligence and Innovative Learning and Teaching Coordinatorship, we held an introduction and cooperation meeting with our esteemed Assistant Professor Dr. Meltem Özel at the point of integrating active learning techniques, digital and artificial intelligence tools into their courses.

Dr. Meltem Özel, Faculty Member of the Department of New Media and Communication, introduced active learning methods, digital and artificial intelligence tools to be used in "NMC 606 Political Economy of Digital Media Media" and "NMC 317 Personal Brand Communications" courses. In addition, consultations were held on the effective use of ChatGPT in student learning in the course.

We would like to thank our esteemed professor who cooperated with us with her curiosity for the new and her devoted attitude towards education.