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Activities and Reports




Coordinatorship of Innovative Learning and Teaching-Artificial Intelligence

Instructor Training Activity Report

Attendee: Assist. Prof. Ahmet Yusuf Özdemir

Department/ Faculty: Political Science and International Relations

Date: 25.10.2023

Place: YBF B.04

Agenda Items:

·       'Classroom Observation' study was carried out.

·       A report was prepared and shared with the faculty member as a result of the observation obtained within the scope of teaching methods, pedagogical approach and active learning strategies.


Attendee: Prof. Bilal Aybakan

Department/ Faculty: Islamic Sciences

Date: 25.10.2023

Place: Zoom

Agenda Items:

·      The faculty member was supported in preparing and editing the video material to be used in the training.


Attendee: Assist. Prof. Ahmet Yusuf Özdemir

Department/ Faculty: Political Science and International Relations

Date: 24.10.2023

Place: ITBF Z.32

Agenda Items:

·      Support was provided to design a rubric for the presentation with the lecturer.


Attendee: Ömer Faruk Bulut

Department/ Faculty: Teaching Assistant- Philosophy

Date: 20.10.2023

Place: ITBF Z.32

Agenda Items:

·      The teaching assistant was informed on how Miro can be used in assigning students to work collaboratively for homework.  Especially, the support on how they can edit one concept map altogether through one file was given.


Attendee: Asist. Prof. Rıza Tevfik Kalyoncu

Department/ Faculty: Philosophy

Date: 18.10.2023

Place: YBF B.04

Agenda Items:

·       'Classroom Observation' study was carried out.

·       A report was prepared and shared with the faculty member as a result of the observation obtained within the scope of teaching methods, pedagogical approach and active learning strategies.


Attendee: Asist. Prof. Serdal Tümkaya

Department/ Faculty: Philosophy

Date: 16.10.2023

Place: ITBF Z.32

Agenda Items:

·       A meeting was held to introduce the activities of CILT-AI.

·       During the meeting, active learning methods and digital tools proposed to the course syllabus of the faculty member were discussed.

·       Support was given on the role of Canvas in effective teaching and how to present active learning methods to the student through Canvas, a learning management system.


Attendee: Assit. Prof. Rıza Tevfik Kalyoncu

Department/ Faculty: Philosophy

Date: 16.10.2023

Place: ITBF Z.32

Agenda Items:

·       A meeting was held to introduce the activities of CILT-AI.

·       During the meeting, active learning methods and digital tools proposed to the course syllabus of the faculty member were discussed.

·       Support was given on the role of Canvas in effective teaching and how to present active learning methods to the student through Canvas, which is a learning management system.


Attendee: Assist. Prof. Adem Yurdunkulu

Department/ Faculty: Guidance and Psychological Counselling

Date: 12.10.2023

Place: ITBF Z.32

Agenda Items:

·      Faculty member was supported for how to transfer the course syllabus which was integrated with active learning methods to the CANVAS, and how they are presented as discussions on CANVAS.


Attendee: Assoc. Prof. Ahmet Göçen

Department/ Faculty: Guidance and Psychological Counselling

Date: 11.10.2023

Place: ITBF Z.32

Agenda Items:

·      The use of active learning methods to increase interactive and effective learning in the course was discussed. Active learning methods and digital tools were suggested for 14 weeks of the course syllabus of the faculty member.


Attendee: Prof. Halil Berktay

Department/ Faculty: History

Date: 11.10.2023

Place: ITBF- Meeting Hall of History Department

Agenda Items:

·      History department teaching assistants were introduced to 5 active learning techniques that they can use in discussion groups.


Attendee: Prof. Mahmut Arslan

Department/ Faculty: Management

Date: 10.10.2023

Place: ITBF Z.32

Agenda Items:

·       An informative meeting was held on the use of active learning methods in teaching.

·       Consultation was made on the preparation of our professor's case study examples as MOOC courses in the media center.


Attendee: Assist. Prof. Ahmet Yusuf Özdemir, Assist. Prof. Najiba Mustafayeva, Assist. Prof. Idlir Lika

Department/ Faculty: Political Science and International Relations

Date: 10.10.2023

Place: ITBF Z.32

Agenda Items:

·       A group meeting was held with our Political Science and International Relations faculty members who were previously supported individually.

·       During the meeting, experiences on how and in which part of their course they have used active learning methods so far were shared.

·       It was decided that faculty members would participate in each other's courses as observers.

·       It was decided to cooperate in preparing MOOC courses and interactive video course materials in the Media Center.


Attendee: Assist. Prof Nihat Gümüş

Department/ Faculty: Management

Date: 10.10.2023

Place: ITBF Z.32

Agenda Items:

·       A meeting was held with the teaching assistants of the Department of Management about the introduction of educational technology tools, such as Nearpod, Miro, Sutori, etc. that they can use in discussion courses. 

·       In addition, the 'Active Learning Booklet' prepared by CILT-AI for the faculty members of our university was introduced and detailed information was given about the use of the techniques in the booklet.


Attendee: Research Assistant Nagihan Pakdamar Tüzgen

Department/ Faculty: Guidance and Psychological Counselling

Date: 10.10.2023

Place: ITBF Z.32

Agenda Items:

·       "EDU 407 Ethics and Legal Issues in Counseling" course syllabus was evaluated.

·       Suggestions to strengthen the course teaching with active learning techniques were shared.

·       Active learning methods such as the 6 Hat Technique, Case study, etc., which meet the learning objectives of the ethics course, were suggested.


Attendee: Assist. Prof. Idlir Lika

Department/ Faculty: Political Science and International Relations

Date: 05.10.2023

Place: ITBF Z.32

Agenda Items:

·       Introduction of CILT-AI, its mission, vision, and services.

Informing active learning techniques, and offering suggestions for the course syllabus.

·       Informing about how to create accounts at Wooclap, Sutori, Nearpod, and how they can be utilized in teaching.

·       Informing about how to integrate those activities, and digital tools into the Canvas system by practicing.

·       Informing about how to create online quizzes and discussions in the Canvas by practising.


Attendee: Assoc. Prof. Hamzeh Al Bakri

Department/ Faculty: Islamic Sciences

Date: 04.10.2023

Place: YBF-B.36- ITBF Z.32

Agenda Items:

·       Attending the class as an observer as a scope of  fostering teaching styles and techniques, working collaboratively.

·       Collaborating to plan MOOC video courses at the Media Center.

·       Collaborating to integrate active learning techniques in teaching.


Attendee: Assoc. Prof. Ayşe Dilşad Yakut

Department/ Faculty: The Faculty of Educational Sciences

Date: 02.10.2023

Place: ITBF Z.19

Agenda Items:

·       Suggesting active learning techniques related to the field of inclusive education, learning disabilities and special education, like field trip, role playing.

·       Agreeing to collaborate.


Attendee: Prof. Irfan Ahmad

Department/ Faculty: Sociology

Date: 27.09.2023

Place: ITBF Z.32

Agenda Items:

·       Introduction of CILT-AI, its mission, vision, and services.

·       Informing about active learning techniques and digital tools that boost teaching, and how they can be integrated into the syllabus.

·       Practicing creating modules, uploading files, and creating discussions on Canvas.

·       Agreeing to collaborate.


Attendee: Assist. Prof. Adem Yurdunkulu

Department/ Faculty: The Faculty of Educational Sciences

Date: 22.09.2023

Place: Zoom- ITBF Z.32

Agenda Items:

·       Introduction of CILT-AI, its mission, vision, and services.

·       Informing the importance of using Canvas as a learning management system for carrying out interactive lessons.

·       Informing about how to use OBS and Canvas System.

·       Agreeing to collaborate.


Attendee: Assist. Prof. Ahmet Yusuf Özdemir

Department/ Faculty: Political Science and International Relations

Date: 22.09.2023

Place: ITBF Z.32

Agenda Items:

·      Supporting the faculty member on how to use the Canvas system, e.g. opening modules, embedding active learning activities, and digital tools, like Nearpod, Sutori in Canvas.


Attendee: Assist. Prof. Najiba Mustafayeva

Department/ Faculty: Political Science and International Relations

Date: 06.09.2023

Place: ITBF Z.32

Agenda Items:

·       Introduction of CILT-AI, its mission, vision, and services.

·       Informing about active learning techniques and digital tools that boost teaching, and how they can be integrated into the syllabus. 

·       Informing the importance of using Canvas as a learning management system for carrying out interactive lessons.

·       Agreeing to collaborate.


Attendee: Assist. Prof. Ahmet Yusuf Özdemir

Department/ Faculty: Political Science and International Relations

Date: 01.09.2023

Place: ITBF Z.32

Agenda Items:

·       Introduction of CILT-AI, its mission, vision, and services.

·       Informing about active learning techniques and digital tools that boost teaching, and how they can be integrated into the syllabus.

·       Informing the importance of using Canvas as a learning management system for carrying out interactive lessons.

·       Agreeing to collaborate.