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The Workshop of Comparative Literature & Active Learning was held by jointly CILT-AI & COMPLIT

The Workshop of Comparative Literature & Active Learning was held by jointly CILT-AI & COMPLIT
A workshop on 'Comparative Literature and Active Learning' was held within the scope of the Scientific Research Project (SRC) 2228 project titled "Active and Digital Learning and the Birth of Modern Literary Theory Course" jointly carried out by the Coordinatorship for Innovative Learning and Teaching- Artificial Intelligence and the Department of Comparative Literature.

In order to broaden the horizons of Comparative Literature educators and students, our joint project "The Emergence of 19th Century Modern Literary Theory in the Ottoman Caliphate" aims to create a state-of-the-art, fully digitalized online course enriched with active learning tools that shed light on the emergence of modern literary theory. In this workshop organized within the scope of the project, the use of digital humanities, digital tools and active learning techniques in Comparative Literature course design was explained through examples. In addition, various global examples of innovative and digital literature projects were presented to inspire our students to transform their ideas into projects.

We would like to thank our esteemed faculty members and students who participated in our workshop.