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Self-Regulated Learning Workshop: Secrets of Time and Workspace Management Revealed

Self-Regulated Learning Workshop: Secrets of Time and Workspace Management Revealed
Under the leadership of Zeyneb Gazel, who is a Psychological Counseling and Guidance master's student, a workshop to develop "Time and Workspace Management Workshop" was held.

The 'Time and Workspace Management Workshop' provided participants with information and practices on time management and workspace management. At the beginning of the workshop, the value of time was emphasized and the attention of the participants was drawn with important statistical data on time management.

In the rest of the workshop, time management and workspace management strategies were shared through an interactive dialogue with the participants. The scenario given to the participants aimed to strengthen their practical skills by ensuring the application of the information learned.

Aiming to improve self-regulation skills, this workshop allowed students to evaluate their most important gains in time management and workspace management. During the training process, four steps based on the principle of cognitive presence (attract, show, practice, get feedback) and digital platforms were actively used to provide students with an interactive learning experience.

This dynamic workshop, led by Zeyneb Gazel, provided students with new perspectives on both self-regulated learning and personal development. We would like to extend our sincere thanks to our valuable participants and Ms. Zeyneb for making this workshop unforgettable with their energy and contributions.
