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Digital Learning Skills: Effective Use of Artificial Intelligence in Learning Processes Workshop Held

Digital Learning Skills: Effective Use of Artificial Intelligence in Learning Processes Workshop Held
The "Self-Regulated Learning Skills" workshop series addressed the theme of effective use of artificial intelligence in learning processes in its second session of the second term.

The second meeting of the "Self-Regulated Learning Skills" workshop series for this term examined the theme of effective use of artificial intelligence in the field of education. The workshop began by discussing the role of technology in education, comparing traditional teaching and learning methods with technology-supported methods. Participants engaged in an interactive discussion about what artificial intelligence is and how it is used in daily life.

Following this interactive session, the workshop delved into how artificial intelligence can make a difference in education and the potential benefits it can offer to students. The workshop also addressed the possible challenges and ethical issues that could arise from the use of artificial intelligence in education. Participants conducted an in-depth analysis of the integration of artificial intelligence into learning processes through a case study.

At the end of the event, various applications and tools that could be used in education and teaching processes involving artificial intelligence were introduced. Participants discussed how these new tools could enrich learning processes.

Thanks to this workshop, participants had the opportunity to understand how artificial intelligence can be a strategic tool in education, improve learning processes, and enhance student success. They also gained insight into the impact of technological advancements on education and how to integrate these developments into educational strategies.

We would like to thank Ebrar Kevser Katırcı and all the participants for their contributions to this productive workshop.
