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 'CILT-AI Guided High School Students on Project Writing at III. TÜBİTAK Student Workshop'

 'CILT-AI Guided High School Students on Project Writing at III. TÜBİTAK Student Workshop'
"The Coordinatorship of Innovative Learning and Teaching-Articial Intelligence participated in the III. TÜBİTAK Student Workshop, providing guidance on effective project writing processes for students. Held by the Başakşehir District Directorate of National Education, the event emphasized encouraging students to engage in scientific studies and produce projects for societal benefit."
"On January 8, 2024, as the Coordinatorship of Innovative Learning and Teaching-Articial Intelligence we participated in the 'III. TÜBİTAK ÖĞRENCİ ÇALIŞTAYI' organized by the Başakşehir District Directorate of National Education. Various students and mentor teachers from different high schools gathered at this platform, sharing important knowledge and experiences.

The presentation at the beginning of the workshop, conducted by Prof. Dr. Meltem Nurtanış Velioğlu, focusing on the fundamental steps for an effective project writing process, garnered significant interest. The presentation discussed the importance of a comprehensive literature review, original value, societal benefit, and similar elements in project writing. Valuable tips were provided to participants to enhance the effectiveness and strength of their projects."
After the presentation, a certificate and plaque award ceremony was organized for the students' project ideas and works. In this ceremony attended by Başakşehir District Director of National Education, Ahmet Çoşkun, the need for further support for students in project writing and scientific studies was emphasized. Additionally, the importance of encouraging students to succeed in projects that bring societal benefits was highlighted.

In the final part of the workshop, sessions were held in groups to discuss students' project ideas in detail. As the Coordinatorship of Innovative Learning and Teaching-Articial Intelligence we provided guidance to students on developing project ideas and the writing process, offering various suggestions for support. This event, aimed at expanding students' visions and assisting them in producing projects that contribute to society, was a crucial step in nurturing the future scientists and innovative leaders."