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"An Educational Workshop on Supporting Teaching and Learning Processes Through Artificial Intelligence" was held.

The Seminar "Supporting Learning and Teaching Processes with Artificial Intelligence" was organized by Dr. Mehmet Bulut to explore the capabilities and potential of Artificial Intelligence tools in education.

The Seminar "Supporting Learning and Teaching Processes with Artificial Intelligence" was organized by Dr. Mehmet Bulut to explore the capabilities and potential of Artificial Intelligence tools in education.

In the seminar, which focused on the role of Artificial Intelligence, especially ChatGPT, in learning and teaching processes, the ability of Artificial Intelligence technologies to provide more interactive and personalized learning experiences was explained in practice. The use of AI as a tool to help faculty members monitor student performance, create student-focus learning plans and prepare course activities as guidelines for tutors was also presented.

At the end of the seminar, the participants emphasized the need to organize similar seminars in order to follow the developments in the field of education through ChatGPT and Artificial Intelligence closely and to create academic and field opportunities to better understand the role of Artificial Intelligence in education.

We would like to thank all academics and interested persons who attended the seminar.
