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We Met with Assist. Prof. Ercüment Asil, Faculty Member of the Alliance of Civilizations Institute, to Develop and to Enrich the Syllabus of the 'SPS 102C Introduction to Islamic Civilization' Course.

We Met with Assist. Prof. Ercüment Asil, Faculty Member of the Alliance of Civilizations Institute, to Develop and to Enrich the Syllabus of the 'SPS 102C Introduction to Islamic Civilization' Course.
We met with Dr. Ercüment Asil, Faculty Member of the Alliance of Civilizations Institute, to develop and to enrich the syllabus of the "SPS 102C Introduction to Islamic Civilization" course. The contibution was provided by introducing Web 2.0 tools and Active Learning Techniques that will increase the effectiveness of the course .

We met with Assist. Prof. Ercüment Asil, Faculty Member of the Alliance of Civilizations Institute, to develop and to enrich the syllabus of the "SPS 102C Introduction to Islamic Civilization" course.

In our consultation meeting, alternative active learning methods and WEB 2.0 digital tools were suggested to enrich the "SPS 102C Introduction to Islamic Civilization" course prepared by Dr. Asil and his team based on "Flipped Learning".  The actions to be taken in order to make the planned course a "Web Based Course" were decided.

Afterwards, a second meeting was held with Assist. Prof. Asil in line with the goals set. In the meeting, an asynchronous course material was designed with the help of Nearpod Web 2.0 tool to be shared with the students before the second week lesson. Questions are added to the designed video lecture material and students are asked to answer them before coming to class. Inaddition to all that general information about the use of Canvas, especially how to embed the material prepared in Canvas was provided to the faculty member.

We would like to thank our esteemed Assistant Prof. Dr. Ercüment Asil for his cooperation with us.
