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We came together with İhsan Kahveci, Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Department of Basic Islamic Sciences

We came together with İhsan Kahveci, Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Department of Basic Islamic Sciences
We came together with İhsan Kahveci, Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Department of Basic Islamic Sciences

In the meeting, we informed our esteemed teacher about the integration of digital tools into teaching processes by introducing active learning techniques and digital tools that he can use within the scope of his course.

In the continuation of the meeting, we created a road map about the weekly topics to be included in the course syllabus of our teacher, the active learning techniques to be used in teaching these topics and the entry of digital tools into the Canvas system.

We would like to thank our lecturer for his valuable visit and offer our respects to him, who stated that he would like to plan for our lesson observation and feedback in the following processes.
