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Psychological Resilience Board: Strong Minds, Successful Futures!

Psychological Resilience Board: Strong Minds, Successful Futures!
The Coordinatorship of Innovative Learning and Teaching-Artificial Intelligence prioritizes the psychological health of students!

As the Coordinatorship of Innovative Learning and Teaching-Artificial Intelligence, we not only limit the development of our students to academic success but also prioritize their psychological well-being. In this regard, we have prepared a special "Psychological Resilience Board" with the aim of supporting our students in having strong psychological resilience.
This board provides tips for students that will help them stand strong in the face of the challenges of life and discover their inner strengths. We offer a wide range of suggestions, from emotional awareness to self-healing abilities, empathy and collaboration, to the search for meaning and purpose.
Within this framework, we guide students to understand their emotional states, adopt positive internal dialogue habits, strengthen their social connections, and develop strong psychological resilience by adding meaning to their learning processes.
As the Coordinatorship of Innovative Learning and Teaching-Artificial Intelligence, we are aware that our students are on a journey to gain not only knowledge but also internal balance and resilience. With the "Psychological Resilience Board," we emphasize that we are here to support them on this important journey.
