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Our Course Design Collaborations Expand

Our Course Design Collaborations Expand
We continue our Course Design Collaborations with Assistant Professor Najiba Mustafayeva from the Department of Political Science and International Relations.

Within the scope of Course Design Collaborations, we held a meeting with Assistant Professor Dr. Najiba Mustafayeva from the Department of Political Science and International Relations.

In the meeting, our university’s three core expectations, which are qualified research, effective teaching and project writing, for academicians. The information of the Coordinatorship of Innovative Learning and Teaching-Artificial Intelligence supports our academicians for the 'effective teaching' pillar was shared by explaining CILT-AI’s works and activities.

Finally, a number of active learning methods and digital tools that enrich and strengthen courses that were planned to be given to her during the 2023-2024 fall semester. We would like to thank her for collaborating with us.
