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We Were a Guest in the 'PHIL 516-FARABI' Course of the Department of Philosophy

We Were a Guest in the 'PHIL 516-FARABI' Course of the Department of Philosophy
We were guests of Asist. Prof Rıza Tevfik Kalyoncu, from the Department of Philosophy, in his "Phil 516 Farabi" course within the scope of our Course Observation service.

We were the guests of Phil 516 Farabi lecture with the invitation of our esteemed Assist. Prof. Rıza Tevfik Kalyoncu, who aims for the student not only to receive the information but also to internalize the information received and to achieve permanent learning. In the lecture of our esteemed professor, we witnessed his efforts to successfully use active learning techniques together with his vast knowledge in his field and his effective pedagogical approach. As a result of the observation, we hubly made a few suggestions to our esteemed professor in order to take the teaching one step further and strengthen it.

We would like to express our gratitude to our esteemed professor for collaborating with us and inviting us to his class.