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Self-Regulated Learning: Time and Study Environment Management Workshop!

Self-Regulated Learning: Time and Study Environment Management Workshop!
Time and study environment management are of critical importance in enhancing students' academic achievements, making their learning processes more effective, and improving overall quality of life. Effective time management assists students in organizing their demanding academic schedules, providing them with the ability to cope with stress. Additionally, having a regular and motivating study environment enhances students' focus and helps increase their productivity. As the Coordinatorship of Innovative Learning and Teaching -Artificial Intelligence, we aim to develop our university students' study environment management skills and ensure they benefit from the mentioned advantages. In line with these goals, we will be conducting a workshop on December 5, 2023, Tuesday, at 2:00 PM in Room HF 09 on the 2nd floor of the Student Center.
We eagerly await the participation of our valued students.